Paid Opinion Study – Receive $125

Date: October 16th or October 17th
Compensation: $125

Big Bang Recruiting is inviting New Mexico drivers to participate in a paid online opinion study. This study will explore participants’ exposure to, awareness of, knowledge about, and attitudes towards current state-level traffic safety messaging campaigns, as well as their self-reported behaviors and intentions. The study will take place on October 16th or 17th, depending on the group you qualify for. Participants will receive $125 (via PayPal, check, or Amazon gift card) for taking part in a 1-hour discussion group.

Please complete the preliminary survey by clicking on the provided link labeled ‘See if I Qualify‘ or by copying and sharing the following link:

Demographic questions are included to ensure a diverse representation in this research and for statistical analysis.

What should you expect? After completing the preliminary questionnaire, we will look for people who fit within the specifications. If you fall into this category, we will reach out to you to confirm your participation and provide further details. If you do not hear from us, we will send an email at the end of the recruiting window to say thanks and provide info about how to be considered as a participant in the future.

Please contact Cyndi at with any questions.

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